Now we'll go to channel #lurk to download our manga! Click on favorites. If you wanna learn more go to this site! They have some basic commands you can learn! :).After that check your email and follow the instructions. Type in /ns register (a password) (your email address) in the command slot (Eg: /ns register yourpassword and Enter.Side Notes (How to Register your nickName) It's better if you u register your nickname :D coz some channels require that you're a registered user baru boleh masuk. Press The Connect Button & if you're using vista and it requires you to unblock, just unblock la.Choose irchighway from the servers and double click on it.For this tutorial, the Server =, Channel's name = #lurk. In order to connect to the channel you must find out 2 things, 1 is the Server, 2 is the Channel's name. Key in your Full Name (tipu2 pun ok gak), E-Mail, NickName & Alternative then go to Connect -> Servers (For this tutorial I will teach you how to download manga ^0^ from The Lurker).Download " Sysreset Full Installation pack", current version is 2.55 & run the installer.SysReset is a script (fserve script) that allows users to run file servers using the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) technology.